Who Are We?

Yahalo Otakus! We, the team of Animehubok.com, swear to give you a dive into the anime world unlike anything before. With the latest updates on different types and classes of anime, we are that corner of the internet that you otaku can always rely on.

And the things that we have in store for you aren’t just the basic and general articles. They are the top 15, 10, and others that can fulfil your need for anime in everyday life. So grab on to a bowl of popcorn and hit on the dimmers, because stuff’s about to get real!

Pledge To You, Readers

We at Animehubok.com swear that we are up to no good, and we are going to do everything it takes to get your ultimate desires fulfilled. Be it anime, manga, manhwa, or just general fun things, this hub will always be here to keep your quirky minds filled.

How We Operate

Unlike other platforms, we take our delivery business really seriously (while you might not seem to notice that while reading our articles!).

From scoping out and finding out the best of the best for you Otakus out there, we hunt down some of the best known and unknown animes that might interest you in that specific category.

We know that not all genres are for everyone, so by dividing, researching, and compiling the best options, we are here to give you names of anime that will either steal your heart like Hinata, make it skip a beat like Kuronuma, or fire it up like Midoriya.

From scrounging into the known world of anime like those famous ones you have heard of before to diving deep into the unknown world of anime whose names you might’ve never come across, we plan to find all the best things for you.

What Do We Write?

Writing stuff for anime is just something that many people do, but breaking out of the cast and actually finding things that make life more interesting for you is something that we focus on. And for this amazing and wild ride, you might want to hang on, because from hereon, we are going full speed forward!

The Team

From not sleeping day and night because the anime was so good to hiding under the blanket and crossing 1000+ hours just streaming anime, we have people that know in and out about this stuff, because not only are they writers, they are also otakus who love watching and feeling those anime like you and me!

Mayank Bajaj : Known for his completely checkered pattern of analysing things differently than most otakus, this guy has it all when it comes to clipping more than 4000+ hours just watching anime. With an in-depth knowledge of everything that happens in one season and being updated on the news of what’s to come next, this guy acts as the main writer and planner for our team.

Ritu Hire : With a skill known for finding stuff and delivering it efficiently to the team, she is the guru when it comes to pinning down everything on the internet. From finding resource material to delving deep into the unknown world of anime, she has a list of lesser-known anime that actually deserve more fame than they are getting.

Suraj Jariya : Like his fellow Otakus on top, who just love shining through their imaginary armour of nerdiness and everything anime, this guy becomes the brain of the team. By hunting down the trends and giving everything the clarity and focus that it needs, Suraj makes the team known by flawlessly groping on to the trends and keeping the whole thing in check!

So with all of this, are you strapped in to dive into the world of anime? Are you ready to take the plunge and push ahead?

Well, what’s there to stop? Head on over to our main site at Animehubok.com and find your best reading material now, because from this moment on, the world of anime waits for you!

Just don’t dive too deep and go out on us, because in your Isekai world, we may not be there!

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